• install jenkin with docker

  • After installation,open configuration system. Check environement box and add both JAVA and ANDROID path to

Jenkin java and android path

  • Click open Blueocean

  • In Blueocean, we can create new pipeline by connecting github to it.

    • The token is generated in github-setting-develop setting-Personal access token Follow the links, it will select the necessary permissions: repo:status, public_repo, admin:repo_hook, read:user, user:email

    select repo for full access for private repositories

    • Choose a repo and create a basic pipeline, the pipeline is not working since a jenkinsfile is required for pipeline to define stages and run.
  • List of stages, jenkins pipeline

    • link codes to check syntax
    • build the app
    • testing
    • deploy: blue/green, production, etc

Use jenkinsfile to define complete set of build, test , deploy steps.

    pipeline {
        agent any 
        stages {
            stage('Lint') {
                steps {
                    // Check for syntax Errors 
            stage('build') {
                steps {
                    // Run whatever commands that is necessary to build the application  and build the applicatoin
                    sh 'npm install' 

            stage('Push image') {
                steps {
                    //Upload the change to repository such as docker hub

            stage('set current kubectl context') {
                   // set up kubect resources 
             stage('Deploy blue container') {
                    // Deploy run a developing instance. 

            stage('Switch green container') {
                    // Deploy and run production instance

  • Jenkins run each steps and show logs beneth. If error presents, it will stop and indicate it with cross.

Example Jenkin Pipeline