Create Jenkins pipeline : automated build and testing
install jenkin with docker
After installation,open configuration system. Check environement box and add both JAVA and ANDROID path to
Click open Blueocean
In Blueocean, we can create new pipeline by connecting github to it.
- The token is generated in github-setting-develop setting-Personal access token Follow the links, it will select the necessary permissions: repo:status, public_repo, admin:repo_hook, read:user, user:email
select repo for full access for private repositories
- Choose a repo and create a basic pipeline, the pipeline is not working since a jenkinsfile is required for pipeline to define stages and run.
List of stages, jenkins pipeline
- link codes to check syntax
- build the app
- testing
- deploy: blue/green, production, etc
Use jenkinsfile to define complete set of build, test , deploy steps.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Lint') {
steps {
// Check for syntax Errors
stage('build') {
steps {
// Run whatever commands that is necessary to build the application and build the applicatoin
sh 'npm install'
stage('Push image') {
steps {
//Upload the change to repository such as docker hub
stage('set current kubectl context') {
// set up kubect resources
stage('Deploy blue container') {
// Deploy run a developing instance.
stage('Switch green container') {
// Deploy and run production instance
- Jenkins run each steps and show logs beneth. If error presents, it will stop and indicate it with cross.