
San francisco State university

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Focus on Cloud technology and Web Application development

Udacity Nanodegree Cloud Computing


AWS Certified

I passed the test for Amazon Cloud Development which proves that I have enough knowledge to administration and build Application integrated with Amazon Cloud AWS Developer Associate

Udacity Nanodegree Cloud Computing
  1. Certificate of graduation from a Udacity Nanodegree program In this course, I develop skills including docker images, cloud formation script and lamda program for Amazon cloud automation, Cloud Foundations, Build CI/CD Pipelines with jenkins, Monitoring & Logging, Microservices at Scale using Kubernetes Certificate of graduation from a Udacity Nanodegree program

  2. Data Engineering Nanodegree I have studied Postgre database for relational data modeling and Cassandra database for non-relational data modeling. I have also practiced Apache spark and Redshift for big data processing as well as Apache airflow to create data pipeline. Data Engineering Nanodegree

Udacity Developing Android Apps with Kotlin (free)
Udemy Certified

The Complete Android N Developer Course In this course, I developed skills that enables me to develop android native mobile app.

The iOS 11 & Swift 4 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp I learnt all the base of develop ios in switch language. I have created serveral apps utilizing firebase web services.

[the Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.]

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